
張學偉 助理教授

Hsueh-Wei Chang

學歷: 國立清華大學生命科學系博士/  國立清華大學輻射生物所碩士/  台北醫學大學保健營養學系

經歷: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research fellow

專長:單核苷酸多型性, 基因體學, 癌症遺傳, 生物資訊學 (SNP, Bioinformatics, Genomics, Cancer genetics)


目前開授: (研究所) 基因體學特論,生物資訊學特論;

                 (大學部) 生物資訊學[生物系]; 基因體學, 生物化學; 基因多樣性

分授: (研究所)  細胞生物學特論, 生物實驗研究技術, 基因藥物學特論

          (大學部)  基因多樣性及實習, 生物學, 生物學實驗, 分子生物學, 生物醫學研究法


中文:基因體生物資訊研究室;   英文:Laboratory of Genomics and Bioinformatics


Tel: 07-3121101ext 2691; Fax: 07-3125339; Email: changhw@kmu.edu.tw



Lab members (Present) and Alumni (past)

歡迎對 基因體, 生物資訊, 腫瘤標誌, 天然藥物對DNA影響評估, 基因多樣性  有興趣同學加入,不限系級

研二: (海大)黃曉雲; (牙研)黃建揚

研一: 鄭宇珊, (海大)葉紀禎

大四: 蘇盈方, 蘇三華; 李思碩;

大三: 陳婉馨,洪瑜謙, 蔡明志






1. 生物資訊軟體研發

與電腦軟體專家合作,研發與更新生物資訊相關軟體與視覺化。目前已有成熟的SNP相關探勘軟體研發。如: SNP-RFLPing, V-MitoSNP, SNP ID-info, Prim-SNPing, Seq-SNPing, Methyl-typing, LD2SNPing(連鎖不平衡分析軟體),電腦化基因註解


2.  附基因體癌症研究

任何DNA來源均可作為癌症附基因體分析。 目前主要方向在口腔癌發展的相關基因甲基化偵測,同時也包括開發甲基化檢測的新技術與生物資訊軟體。


3.  建立天然或合成藥物的DNA修補或傷害分析 平台



4.  基因多型性基因定序、單核型分析與其相關性研究

舉凡頭髮末梢、血液、口腔黏膜、尿液或唾液...等DNA,均可作為基因多型性的基因定序分析。我們利用電腦化程式輔助可以計算SNP-SNP交互作用可以產生SNP條紋碼去預測疾病或癌症的罹患率。單核型SNP相關性研究是主要方向。 目前方向包括骨質疏鬆症與膀胱癌、口腔癌。


5. 分子性別鑑定分子物種鑑定與演化分析




6.  非侵入性生物檢體DNA分析


7. 基因連續性分析找出候選腫瘤基因

基因連續性分析可以找出候選腫瘤或抑癌基因,並用同步化定量RT-PCR加以快速證實。 目前本實驗室進行有關卵巢癌與口腔癌的研究,以及腫瘤候選基因的分子選殖與蛋白質表現。


8.  數位化基因多型性分析  [previously]




1. 非侵入性生物檢體DNA萃取; 2.禽類(avian)分子性別鑑定; 3.物種分子鑑定; 4..生物資訊軟體開發



SNP Background:
90% of polymorphisms are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).


Research topics:

Using bioinformatic, genomic, and epigenomic approaches to study cancer, disease genetics, genetic diversity including:


1. Bioinformatics tool

Cooperation with computational experts to improve  the bioinformatics tool. We mainly focus on establishment and visualization for SNP related softwares and databases, e.g., SNP-RFLPing, V-MitoSNP, SNP ID-info,  Primer design, Seq-SNPing, LD (linkage disequilibrium) tool, in silico gene annotation.



2. Epigenomics for Cancers

DNA from any sources is suitable for the epigenomic analysis using methylation-specific PCR. Currently, we focus on the methylation detection of oral carcinogenesis-related genes. We also develop the novel technique to improve the methylation dectection as well as the mehtylation-related software.


3.  Establishment of the evaluation platform for DNA repair and damage to natural or synthesized drugs

Currently, we cooperated with Graduate Institute of Natural Products to establish the fast screening technique for DNA repair and damage for natural or synthesized drugs.


4. SNP Genotyping, haplotyping and association study

DNA from any sources, e.g., hair shafts, blood, buccal, urine and saliva is suitable for analysis. SNP-SNP interaction with the aids of computation algorithm was developed to generate the SNP barcode to predict the disease or cancer susceptibility. Mining haplotype-based SNP candidates is concerned. Recently topics include osteoporosis, bladder and oral cancers. SNP Genotyping Tech Guide


5. Molecular sexing, molecular species identification and evolution analysis

Currently, we can extract the feather, stool, blood and tissue DNA from avian or fish to perform their molecular sexing, evolution or paternity analysis, including Sterna anaethetus, Spilornis cheela hoya (Created Serpent Eagle), Oncorhynchus masou formosanum.


6. Noninvasive DNA extraction for disease diagnosis and species identification

Currently, we are successfully performed PCR from urine, saliva, hair, feather and stool extracted DNA.


7. Data mining from Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE)

Data mining for SAGE is able to screen the tumor markers and/or tumor suppressors via the aide of real time RT-PCR. Different tumors are selected for this study, including ovarian caner and oral cancer now. Several tumor candidate genes were under cloning and waiting for protein expression.


8. Digital SNP Analysis [previously]

Digital SNP analysis can individually counted the paternal or maternal alleles within any clinical DNA samples, thus allowing a quantitative measure of AI in the presence of normal DNA. The significance of this technology is to use SNP molecular diagnostic test in identifying asymptomatic patients with early and clinically curable neoplastic diseases.

DNA from plasma, asciteshair shaft, paraffin slide,  tissues, buccal cells, urine, saliva and samples can perform well using this technology.


*3*Opportunity for cooperation

1. Noninvasive DNA extraction and detection; 2.Avian molecular sexing; 3.Molecular species identification; 4.Development for bioinformatics software and database.



(research funds)



1. 驗證與應用全基因體oligo晶片的口腔癌生物標誌. 97-2311-B-037-003-MY3. (2008/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31) [主持人]  NT$3,150,000

2. 開發27種雀形目鳥類的高通量性別鑑定探針-1. 產學合作研究計畫-開發型.  (2008/09/01 ~ 2009/08/31)
[主持人] NT$950,000

3. 腦外傷影響骨折癒合速度分子機轉之研究. 97-2314-B-037-002-MY3. (2008/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31) [共同主持人]  NT$3,020,000

4. 基於遺傳演算法設計有效的PCR-CTPP引子及系統之開發. 97-2622-E-151-008-CC2. (2008/08/01 ~ 2010/07/31) [共同主持人]  NT$1,666,000 

5.  SNP功能性資料庫結合PCR In silico分析平台及生物反應途徑之建置. 96-2221-E-214-050-MY3

     (2007/08∼2010/07) [共同主持人]  

6.  同胱胺酸濃度、MTHFR C5667T基因型與老年憂鬱症之腦部1H頻譜—追蹤研究. NSC95-2314-B-037-038-MY3  (2006/08∼2009/07) [共同主持人]   



1.  利用整合性分子圖譜去驗證口腔癌的腫瘤標誌與腫瘤抑制基因. NSC96-2311-B037-002.  

     (2007/08∼2008/07) [主持人]  NT$1,020,000

2.  利用分子系統演化開發多種鷹類的高通量性別鑑定平台- 建立共同的商業化新核酸探針. NSC 96-2622-B-037 -003 -CC3. (2007/11∼2008/10) [主持人]  NT$450,000

3.  四種DNA修補基因XRCC1, XRCC2, XRCC3與XRCC4的基因多型性交互作用與台灣口腔癌的相關性研究.  95年度奇美高醫學術合作專題計畫. 96-CM-KMU-12 [X096012]   (2007/04∼2008/03) [主持人] NT$500,000

4.  建構整合SNP變異資訊序列比對和分析之系統. NSC96-2622-E214-004-CC3 (2007/05∼2008/04) [共同主人] NT$359,000

5.  染色體轉位識別分析系統之研發. 96-2622-E-151-019-CC3 (2007/11∼2008/10) [共同主人] NT$419,000

6.  SNP功能性資料庫結合PCR In silico分析平台及生物反應途徑之建置. 96-2221-E-214-050-MY3

     (2007/08∼2010/07) [共同主持人]  NT$2,356,000

7. 台灣地區砷暴露居民尿中無機砷代謝型態及基因型研究--家族聚集及病例對照相關研究(3/3) NSC96-2314-B-182-005- (2007/08∼2008/07) [共同主持人]  NT$891,000

8.  頭部外傷後促進骨生成機轉之研究及其臨床應用. NSC96-2314-B037-065  (2007/08∼2008/07) [共同主持人]  NT$870,000

9.  傳統方劑對人類肝癌細胞之體內及體外抑制增生、腫瘤入侵、血管新生作用和誘發細胞程式死亡機制之探討. NSC96-2622-E214-004-CC3  (2007/08∼2008/08) [同主持人]   NT$2,050,000



1.  開發鳥類分子性別鑑定核酸探針-以台灣大冠鷲為例. NSC95-2622-B-037-002-CC3

     (2006/11∼2007/10) [主持人]           NT$450,000

2.  建立膀胱癌腫瘤標誌的分子診斷與生物資訊分析平台. 95年度高醫教師專題研究計畫. M096003.

     (2006/12∼2007/07) [主持人]           NT$170,000

3.  定量逆轉錄PCR的口腔癌腫瘤標記轉錄體研究. 95年度奇美高醫學術合作專題計畫. 95-CM-KMU-06

     (2006/04∼2007/03) [主持人]           NT$500,000

4.  SNP-RFLP引子設計系統. NSC95-2622-E-151-015-CC3

     (2006/11∼2007/10) [共同主持人]    NT$331,000

5 SNP搜尋、資料庫分析與生物反應途徑視覺化之整合系統. NSC95-2221-E214-087.

     (2006/08∼2007/07) [共同主持人] NT$640,000

6 SNP ID 檢索及分析系統. NSC95-2622-E-214-004-CC3

     (2006/05∼2007/04) [共同主持人]   NT$300,000

7.  同胱胺酸濃度、MTHFR C5667T基因型與老年憂鬱症之腦部1H頻譜—追蹤研究. NSC95-2314-B-037-038-MY3  (2006/08∼2009/07) [共同主持人]   NT$3,082,000

8 台灣地區砷暴露居民尿中無機砷代謝型態及基因型研究--家族聚集及病例對照相關研究(2/3)

     NSC95-2314-B-182-011 (2006/08∼2007/07) [共同主持人] NT$877,000

9.  頭部外傷促進骨折癒合及異位骨折形成之蛋白質體學分析.  NSC95-2314-B037-035. 

     (2006/08∼2007/07)  [共同主持人]   NT$800,000

10 中醫藥研究成果評析暨編輯出版計畫.  CCMP95-RD-036 (衛生署)

     (2006/07∼2007/12)  [同主持人]   NT$1300,000

11. 傳統方劑對人類肝癌細胞之體內及體外抑制增生、腫瘤入侵和誘發細胞程式死亡機制之探討. CCMP95-RD-212 (衛生署) (2006/08 - 2008/08)  [同主持人]   NT$2,050,000



1.  非侵入性偵測膀胱癌可使用DNA狀態、甲基化與數位化基因多型性分析. NSC94-2311-B037-001

     (2005/082006/07)       [主持人]          NT$1,111,000

2.  口腔石臘腫瘤組織的單核苷酸多型相關圖譜. 94年度奇美高醫學術合作專題計畫. 94-CM-KMU-09

     (2005/03∼2006/2)         [主持人]           NT$450,000

3.  研發尿液直接PCR的試劑. NSC 94-2622-B-037-003-CC3

     (2005/11∼2006/10)       [主持人]           NT$431,000

4.  台灣人骨密度,脊椎骨尺寸和身高與低密度酯蛋白受體相關蛋白5(LRP5)基因多態性之間的相關研究.     NSC94-2314-B037-025.   (2005/08∼2006/07)     [共同主持人]   NT$772,000.

5.  骨骼代謝相關基因單核甘酸多型性與骨骼代謝生化指標之相關性.NSC94-2320-B028-001.

      (2005/08∼2006/07)      [共同主持人]   NT$820,000

6.  台灣地區砷暴露居民尿中無機砷代謝型態及基因型研究--家族聚集及病例對照相關研究(1/3).

      NSC94-2314-B-182-052.   (2005/08∼2006/07)      [共同主持人]   NT$902,000

7 口腔癌與菸酒或檳榔攝取、體液營養素狀態與其代謝基因多型性之相關性研究. NSC94-2314-B384-009.

      (2005/08∼2006/07)      [共同主持人]   NT$820,000

8.  同胱胺酸、MTHFR基因型與無神經精神疾病老人和老年重度憂鬱症老人之認知功能.NSC94-2314-B037-100

      (2005/08∼2006/07)      [共同主持人]   NT$500,000

9.  馬祖列島燕鷗保育生物學研究-基因資料庫分析. 連江縣政府(馬祖)計畫

     (2005/07∼2005/11)       [共同主持人]   NT$580,000

10.  SNP序列RFLP分析系統. NSC94-2622-E-151-025-CC3 [成果]

     (2005/11∼2006/10)       [共同主持人]   NT$344,000

11.  國人乳癌缺氧誘導因子1a過度表現的分子機轉. 高醫癌症醫療研究基金計畫.

     (2005/082006/07)    [共同主持人]   NT$500,000

12. 驗證生物資訊篩選的腫瘤標誌. 94年度高醫大教師專題研究計畫.

     (2005/082006/07)    [共同主持人]   NT$140,000

13.  總計畫-中醫藥與感染症疾病之基因體研究與第一子計畫-基因體調控. CCMP94-RD-050 (衛生署)

     (2005/6∼2006/6)           [協同主持人]   NT$800,000

14 中草藥瘦身保健茶(KMU-T1)的藥物基因體研究: Adiponectin基因. 高醫附設醫院主治醫師計畫.

     (2005/062006/07)    [協同主持人]   NT$250,000



1 基因表現連續分析篩選卵巢癌腫瘤標誌. NSC93-2311-B037-003   [成果]           

     (2004/082005/07)       [主持人]          NT$1,004,900

2.  研發不需要DNA萃取的血液直接PCR的新方法. NSC93-2622-B037-002-CC3

     (2004/11∼2005/10)       [主持人]          NT$400,000

3.  骨骼代謝相關基因單核甘酸多型性與其他骨質疏鬆症危險因子之研究.  NSC93-2320-B028-001

     (2004/08∼2005/07)       [共同主持人]  NT$800,000

4.  頭部外傷促進骨折癒合及異位骨折形成機轉之研究. NSC93-2314-B037-027

     (2004/08∼2005/07)       [共同主持人]  NT$613,700



1.  數位化基因多型性分析膀胱癌的遺傳不穩定性. NSC92-2320-B-242-004- 

     (2003/012003/07)       [主持人]          NT$600,000

2.  數位化基因多型性分析膀胱癌的對偶基因不平衡-I. NSC92-2320-B-242-013

     (2003/082004/07)       [主持人]          NT$600,000





1. Yin-Chang Liu*, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Yi-Chyi Lai, Sheue-Ting Ding, Jih-Lin Ho. Serum responsiveness of the rat PCNA promoter involves the proximal ATF and AP-1 sites. FEBS Lett 441(2), 200-204. (1998) [ SCI IF = 3.415; Biophysics 18/65; Cited no.= 6 ] [PMID: 9883884]

2. Bor-Show Tzang, Yi-Chyi Lai, Mandy Hsu, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Chia-Chin Chang, Pien C. Huang, Yin-Chang Liu*. Function and sequence analyses of tumor suppressor gene p53 of CHO.K1 cells. DNA Cell Biol 18(4), 315-321. (1999) [ SCI IF = 1.794; Genetics & Heredity 79/124; Cited no.= 15 ] [PMID: 10235114]

3. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Yi-Chyi Lai, Ching-Yang Cheng, Jih-Lin Ho, Sheue-Ting Ding, Yin-Chang Liu*. UV inducibility of rat proliferating cell nuclear antigen gene promoter. J Cell Biochem 73(3), 423-432. (1999)

[ SCI IF = 3.591; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Cited no.= 11 ] [PMID: 10321841]

4. Gad Singer, Robert J. Kurman, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Sarah K. R. Cho, Ie-Ming Shih*. Diverse tumorigenic pathways in ovarian serous carcinoma. Am J Pathology 160(4), 1223-1228. Apr. (2002) [SCI IF = 5.796; Pathology 2/66; Cited no.=  75 ] [PMID: 11943707]

5. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Syed Ali, Robert J. Kurman, Ie-Ming Shih*. Detection of Allelic Imbalance in Ascitic Supernatant by Digital Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Analysis. Clinical Cancer Research 8(8), 2580-2585. Aug. (2002) [SCI IF = 6.177; Oncology 13/127; Cited no.= 12 ] [PMID: 12171887]

6. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Ching-Yui Yen, Shyun-Yui Liu, Gad Singer, Ie-Ming Shih*. Genotyping analysis using human hair shaft. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 11(9), 925-929. Sep. (2002) [SCI IF = 4.289; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health 9/98; Cited no.=  3 ] [PMID: 12223440]

7. Yu-Ching Chang, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Chu-Bin Liao, Yin-Chang Liu*. The role of p53, DNA repair and oxidative stress in UVC induction of PCNA expression. Annals N Y Acad Sci 973, 384-391. Nov. (2002) [SCI IF= 1.930; Multidisciplinary Sciences 7/51; Cited no.= 1] [PMID: 12485898]

8. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Shing M. Lee, Steven N. Goodman, Gad Singer, Sarah K. R. Cho, Lori J. Sokoll, Fredrick J. Montz, Richard Roden, Zhen Zhang, Daniel W. Chan, Robert J. Kurman, Ie-Ming Shih*. Assessment of plasma DNA levels, allelic imbalance and CA-125 as diagnostic tests for cancer.  J Natl Cancer Institute 94(22), 1697-1703. Nov. (2002) [SCI IF= 15.271; Oncology 4/127; Cited no.=  41] [PMID: 12441325]

9. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Phei-Lang Chang, Yu-Huei Cheng, and Li-Yeh Chuang*. SNP-RFLPing: restriction enzyme mining for SNP in genomes. BMC Genomics 7:30. Feb. (2006) [SCI IF = 4.029; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 20/140; Cited no.=  5 ] [PMID: 16503968]

10. H.F. Tseng*, C.K. Chang, H.F. Tan, S.E. Yang, H.W. Chang. Seroepidemiology study of rubella antibodies among pregnant women from seven Asian countries: evaluation of the rubella vaccination program in Taiwan. Vaccine 24(29-30):5772-5777. Jul.(2006) [SCI IF= 3.159; Veterinary Sciences 1/128] [PMID: 16759764]

11. Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Yu-Huei Cheng, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Phei-Lang Chang, Ke-Hung Tsui, and Hsueh-Wei Chang*. V-MitoSNP: visualization of human mitochondrial SNPs. BMC Bioinformatics 7:379. Aug. (2006) [SCI IF = 3.617; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 24/140; Cited no.=  2 ] (研二/大四成果) [PMID: 16907992]

12. Gau-Tyan Lin*, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Chih-Shan Liu, Peng-Ju Huang, Hsien-Chung Wang, Yuh-Min Cheng*. De novo 617G-A nucleotide mutation of ACVR1 gene in Taiwanese patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Journal of Human Genetics  51(12):1083-1086. Dec. (2006) [SCI IF = 2.205;  Genetics & Heredity 73/131] [PMID: 17077940]

13. 周以正, 鍾郁涵, 張學偉, 蔡奇立, 郭金泉. 論台灣鮭魚身世之謎和正名. 自然保育季刊 56:51-58. Dec, (2006) (大四成果)

14. Ritu Salani, Ilana Beuberger, Robert Kurman, Robert Bristow, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Tian-Li Wang, Ie-Ming Shih*. Expression of extracellular matrix proteins in ovarian serous tumors. International Journal of Gynecological Pathology 26(2):141-146. Apr. (2007) [SCI IF = 2.184; Obstetrics & Gyncology 15/59] [PMID: 17413980]

15. Cheng-Wen Lin*, Ping-Feng Tu, Nai-Wan Hsiao, Ching-Yao Chang, Lei Wan, Yu-Tsun Lin, Hsueh-Wei Chang. Identification of a novel septin 4 protein binding to human herpesvirus 8 kaposin A protein using a phage display cDNA library. Journal of Virological Methods 143(1): 65–72. Jul. (2007) [SCI IF = 2.097; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 58/140 [PMID: 17383018]

16. Tsai-Ming Lin, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Kei-Hung Wang, An-Pei Kao, Chia-Cheng Chang, Chung-Sheng Lai, Cheng-Hao Wen(溫政浩), and Sin-Dan Lin*. Isolation and identification of mesenchymal stem cells from human lipoma tissue. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 361(4): 883-889. Oct. (2007) [SCI IF = 2.855; Biophysics 24/66] [<50%] (研二成果) [PMID: 17679141]

17. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Yu-Huei Cheng, Tai-Chen Chen, Cheng-San Yang, Li-Yeh Chuang, and Cheng-Hong Yang*. A novel method providing exact SNP IDs from sequences. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 34:1, IJCS_34_1_17. Aug, 2007.

18. Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang*, Yu-Huei Cheng, Hsueh-Wei Chang. A Mixed Method for Proving Exact SNP IDs from Sequences. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications 19(4): 251-257. Aug. (2007) [EI]

19. Chien-Te Lin, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Gow-Shing Chen*, Chi-Ling Lin, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫). Herpes Simplex Mimicking Herpes Zoster in a 3-year-old Child - A Case Report. Dermatologica Sinica 25(3):194-199. Oct (2007) (研一成果)

20. Hsueh-Wei Chang*, Ke-Hung Tsui, Li-Chun Shen (沈麗君), Hurng-Wern Huang, Shen-Nien Wang, Phei-Lang Chang. Urinary cell-free DNA as a potential tumor marker in bladder cancer. International Journal of Biological Markers 22(4):287-294. Dec. (2007) [SCI IF = 0.966; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 100/140]  (研二成果) [PMID:18161660]

21. Ching-Shen Liu, Thau-Ming Cham, Cheng-Hong Yang, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Chia-Hong Chen and Li-Yeh Chuang.* Antibacterial properties of Chinese herbal medicines against nosocomial antibiotic resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Taiwan. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 35(6):1047-1060. Dec. (2007) [2006 SCI IF = 0.710; Medicine , General & Internal 69/103] [PMID:18186590]

22. Gau-Tyan Lin, Hung-Fu Tseng, Chen-Kang Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Chung-Jui Tu, Chih-Shan Liu, Eng-Chi Wang, Hsiu-Fen Tan, Chia-Che Chang, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Hsiang-Chi Chen (陳湘棋), Hsueh-Wei Chang*. SNP combinations of chromosome-wide genes are associated with bone mineral density in Taiwanese women. Chinese Journal of Physiology 51(1): 32-41. Feb. (2008)  [SCI IF = 0.702; Physiology 69/79] (研一/大三成果) [PMID:18551993]

23. Li-Yeh Chuang, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Chung-Jui Tu, and Cheng-Hong Yang. Improved Binary PSO for Feature Selection using Gene Expression Data. Computational Biology and Chemistry 32(1):29-38. Feb. (2008) [SCI IF = 2.135; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications 11/87]   [PMID:18023261]

24. Hsueh-Wei Chang*, Chun-An Cheng (鄭淳安), De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Chia-Che Chang, San-Hua Su (蘇三華), Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Yii-Cheng Chou, Ta-Ching Chou, Cheng-Te Yao, Chi-Li Tsai, Chien-Chung Cheng*. High-throughput avian molecular sexing by SYBR green-based real-time PCR combined with melting curve analysis. BMC Biotechnology 8:12 Feb. (2008) [SCI IF = 2.742; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 37/140] (研一成果) [PMID:18269737]

25. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang, Chang-Hsuan Ho, Phei-Lang Chang and Cheng-Hong Yang*. Odds ratio-based genetic algorithms for generating SNP barcodes of genotypes to predict disease susceptibility.  OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 12(1):71-81 Mar. (2008). [SCI IF = 2.056; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 61/140]  [PMID:18266556]

26. Ching-Yu Yen, Shyun-Yui Liu, Chung-Ho Chen, Hung-Fu Tseng, Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Ying-Chu Lin, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Chang-Hsuan Ho, Hsiang-Chi Chen (陳湘棋), Shaio-Ting Wang (王筱婷), Cheng-Wen Lin, Hsueh-Wei Chang*. Combinational polymorphisms of four DNA repair genes XRCC1, XRCC2, XRCC3 and XRCC4 and their association with oral cancer in Taiwan. J Oral Pathol Med 37(5): 271-277. May. (2008) [SCI IF = 1.53; Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine 20/49] (研二,研一, 大三成果) [PMID:18410587]

27. Hsueh-Wei Chang*, Ta-Ching Chou, De-Leung Gu(谷德倫),, Chun-An Cheng(鄭淳安), Chia-Che Chang, Cheng-Te Yao, Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hao Wen(溫政浩), Yii-Cheng Chou, Kock-Yee Tan(陳國毅), Chien-Chung Cheng. An improved PCR method for molecular gender identification of eagles. Molecular and Cellular Probes 22(3):184-188 Jun. (2008) [SCI IF = 2.016; Biochemical Research Methods 36/56 ] (研一/大三成果) [PMID:18385011]

28. Hsueh-Wei Chang*, De-Leung Gu, San-Hua Sua, Chia-Che Chang, Chun-An Cheng, Hurng-Wern Huang, Cheng-Te Yao, Ta-Ching Chou, Li-Yeh Chuang, Chien-Chung Cheng. High-throughput gender identification of eagles using TagMan probes. Theriogenology 70:83-90 (2008) [SCI IF = 1.898; Veterinary Sciences 11/128]   (研二/大三成果) [PMID:18440628]

29. Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Yu-Huei Cheng, Phei-Lang Chang, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), and Hsueh-Wei Chang*. Restriction enzyme mining for SNPs in genomes. Review. Anticancer Research 28(4A):2001-7. Review. Jul-Aug, 2008. [PMID:18649739] (研二成果) [SCI IF = 1.479; 102/127 (Oncology)

30. Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Yu-Huei Cheng, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Phei-Lang Chang, and Hsueh-Wei Chang*. SNP ID-info: SNP ID searching and visualization platform.  OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 12(3): 217-226. Sept. (2008). [SCI IF = 2.056; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 61/140]  (研二成果)  [PMID: 18582176]

31. Ming-Tsai Liang, Cheng-Hong Yang*, Shun-Tai Li, Cheng-San Yang, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Ching-Shen Liu, Thau-Ming Cham, and Li-Yeh Chuang*. Antibacterial and Antioxidant Properties of Ramulus Cinnamomi Using Supercritical CO2 Extraction. European Food Research and Technology. 227:1387–1396 Sept. (2008)  [SCI IF = @1.084; Food Science & Technology @/96] @%

32. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Chang-Hsuan Ho, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩) and Li-Yeh Chuang*. Generating SNP barcode to evaluate SNP-SNP interaction of disease by particle swarm optimization. Computational Biology & Chemistry - (Brief Communication) ePublished ahead [PMID: 18789770] (研二成果)

33. Hsiu-Fen Tan, Chia-Yu Yeh, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Chen-Kang Chang and Hung-Fu Tseng*. Private doctors' practices, knowledge, and attitude to reporting of communicable diseases: A national survey in Taiwan. BMC Infectious Diseases 9:11 Jan. (2009) [PMID: 19178741]

34. Cheng-Hong Yang, Tsung-Mu Shih, Yu-Chen Hung, Hsueh-Wei Chang*, and Li-Yeh Chuang*. Extract-SAGE: An integrated platform for cross-analysis and GA-based selection of SAGE data. Bioinformation. Accepted. 3(7), 291-292 Feb. (2009) (Cited in PubMed)

35. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Jing-Iong Yang, Jin-Chywan Gwo, Hsiao-Yun Huang, Ying-Fang Su, Cheng-Hao Wen, Yii-Cheng Chou*. Identification of a novel biomarker for Oncorhynchus masou formosanum distinguished from the Oncorhynchus subspecies by growth hormone 1 genes. Molecular and cellular probes.23: 103-106 Apr. (2009) [PMID: 19162176]

36. Gau-Tyan Lin,  Hung-Fu Tseng, Cheng-Hong Yang, Ming-Feng Hou, Li-Yeh Chuang, Yu-Huei Cheng, Hsiao-Ting Tai (戴曉婷), Ming-Hong Tai*, Yu-Huei Cheng, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Chih-Shan Liu, Chih-Jen Huang, Chun-Lin Wang, Hsueh-Wei Chang*. SNP combinations of seven CXCL12-related genes are associated with the protection to breast cancer in Taiwanese women. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 13(2): 165-172 Apr. (2009) (研二,研一成果) [PMID: 19196101]

37. Li-Yeh Chuang, Chao-Hsuan Ke, Hsueh-Wei Chang, and Cheng-Hong Yang*. A two stage feature selection methods for gene expression data. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 13(2): 127-137 Apr. (2009) [PMID: 19182978] [SCI]

38. Cheng-Hong Yang, Yu-Huei Cheng, Hsueh-Wei Chang, and Li-Yeh Chuang*. Specific PCR product primer design using memetic algorithm. Biotechnology Progress in press. (2009)  [PMID: 19405106]   [SCI]

39. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Yu-Huei Cheng, Yu-Chen Hung (洪瑜謙), Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), De-Leung Gu (谷德倫),  Li-Yeh Chuang*. Prim-SNPing: primer design tool for cost-effective SNP genotyping. Biotechniques 46(6): 421–431. May. (2009) (研二,研一成果) [PMID: 19480636] [SCI]

40. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Yu-Huei Cheng, Phei-Lang Chang, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), and Li-Yeh Chuang*. Dynamic programming for SNP ID identification in systemic association studies. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 25(4):165-76. Apr. (2009) (研一成果) [PMID: 19502133] [SCI]

41. Ching-Yu Yen, Shyun-Yui Liu, Chao-Hsiang Chang (張朝翔), Chung-Ho Chen*, Hung-Fu Tseng, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Hsueh-Wei Chang*. MMP1 and MMP10 but not MMP12 are the potential oral cancer markers. Biomarkers 14(4):244-9. Jun. (2009) (研二成果) [PMID: 19489686] [SCI]

42. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang, Yan-Jhu Chang,  Yu-Huei Cheng, Yu-Chen Hung (洪瑜謙), Hsiang-Chi Chen (陳湘琪), Cheng-Hong Yang*. LD2SNPing: Linkage disequilibrium plotter and RFLP mining for taq SNPs. BMC Genetics 10: 26. (2009) (大三成果) [PMID: 19500380] [SCI]

43. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Yu-Huei Cheng, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Chang-Hsuan Ho, Phei-Lang Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang*. Seq-SNPing: integrated software for sequence-based SNP identification and RFLPing.  OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology accepted (2009) (研一成果)

44. Chien-Chih Chiu§, Hsueh-Wei Chang§, Da-Wei Chuang, Fang-Rong Chang, Yu-Ching Chang, Su-Shuo Lee, Yu-Shan Cheng, Chih-Kuang Wang, Jeff Yi-Fu Chen, Yin-Chang Liu*, Yang-Chang Wu*. Fern plant-derived protoapigenone leads to DNA damage, apoptosis and G2/M arrest in lung cancer cell line H1299. DNA and Cell Biology accepted

45. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang*, Yu-Huei Cheng, De-Leung Gu, Su-Shuo Lee, Chung-Ho Chen, Ching-Yu Yen, Cheng-Hong Yang*. Methyl-typing: An improved COBRA software and visualization.  [under review] (2009)  (研二成果)



1. Hsueh-Wei Chang et al. Introduction to mitochondrial informatics. Invited book chapter. 2009 (under edition).

2.Hsueh-Wei Chang, David Duggan, Darryl Irwin, Stuart Macdonald, Heather McKhann, Louise Nordfors, Jose Luis Royo, and Huanming Yang. A troubleshooting guide: SNP genotyping experts share their tips on handing key experimental challenge. Editor: Jennifer Crebs. Issue for SNP Genotyping Tech Guide. Genome Technology Magazine http://www.genome-technology.com/. 2006. (invited to comment SNP genotyping)

3.Hsueh-Wei Chang, Ie-Ming Shih*. Digital single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis for allelic imbalance. Methods in Molecular Medicine 2005;103:137-41. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA, ISBN: 1-58829-107-3. [PMID: 15542903]

4.張學偉. 肥胖相關基因的基因多形性研究. chapter 1 for 傳統醫學與現代醫學-肥胖症治療的對話. Dialogue of the Treatment for Obesity by Traditional and Modern Medicine.傳統醫學與現代醫學對話論壇專輯(四). 主編:呂鴻基,張永賢,林宜信. Dec 2006.

5.總編輯:林宜信。副總編輯:劉景昇、張學偉、林國瑞、謝伯舟。編輯委員:康翠秀、張維容、俞怡君、李芝蘭、鐘慧茹、黃富美。 研究計畫主持人:劉景昇、林國瑞。 書名:中醫藥基因體研究及其核心技術訓練DVD光碟書(一). Genomics Approach to Chinese Medicine and Core Technology. 行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會編印。 Published by the Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Department of Health, Executive Yuan. 出版機關:行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會。發行人:林宜信。 出版年月:中華民國九十四年十二月。





1. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Haimai Huang, Yin-Chang Liu.* Distinct pattern of PCNA expression in HPV16 E6 transfection cells- The role of p53 in UV and serum inducibility of PCNA gene. Poster in Signal transduction pathways and regulation of gene expression as therapeutic targets (Luxembourg). 2000.

2. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Sarah K. R. Cho, Gad Singer, Ie-Ming Shih*. Tumor-released DNA in plasma as a screening test in cancer patients. Poster in Gordon Research Conference on Cancer; http://www.grc.uri.edu/ (West Kingston, RI, USA). 2001.

3. Gad Singer, Robert J. Kurman, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Sarah K. R. Cho, Ie-Ming Shih*. Diverse Tumorigenic Pathways in Ovarian Serous Carcinoma. Abstracts for the USCAP meeting in Chicago, IL, USA. Feb 23- Mar 1, 2002.

4. Gad Singer, Robert J. Kurman, Hsueh-Wei Chang, and Ie-Ming Shih*. Prognostic value of ID-1 expression and chromosome 1p32 LOH in ovarian serous carcinoma. Abstracts for the USCAP meeting in Chicago, IL, USA. Feb 23- Mar 1, 2002.

5. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Lori Sokoll, Gad Singer, Daniel W. Chan, Robert J. Kurman, Ie-Ming Shih*. Detection of Tumor-released DNA in Plasma of Ovarian Cancer Patients. The United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP) meeting; http://www.uscap.org.  Chicago, IL, Feb 23- Mar 1, 2002. *3*(invited for platform presentation)

6. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Gad Singer, Sarah K. R. Cho, Lori J. Sokoll, Fredrick J. Montz, Richard Roden, Zhen Zhang, Daniel W. Chan, Robert J. Kurman, Ie-Ming Shih.* Detection of Allelic Imbalance by Counting Alleles in Plasma as a Diagnostic Tool for Cancer. Poster for AACR 93rd Annul Meeting in San Francisco, CA, USA. April 6-10, 2002.

7. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Shing Lee, Steven Goodman, Zhen Zhang, Dan W Chan, Robert J Kurman, Ie-Ming Shih*. Assessment of plasma DNA levels, allelic imbalance, and CA-125 as diagnostic tests for cancer. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 11 (10): 1198S-1198S C126 Part 2, Oct 2002.

8. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Shing Lee, Steven Goodman, Zhen Zhang, Dan W Chan, Robert J Kurman, Ie-Ming Shih*. Assessment of plasma DNA levels, allelic imbalance and CA-125 as diagnostic tests for cancer. Poster for AACR 2002 Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research. Boston, MA, USA. Oct 14-18., 2002.

9. Hsueh-Wei Chang, Gad Singer, Sarah K. R. Cho, Lori J. Sokoll, Fredrick J. Montz, Richard Roden, Zhen Zhang, Daniel W. Chan, Robert J. Kurman, Ie-Ming Shih.* Detection of Allelic Imbalance by digital SNP analysis in Plasma as a Diagnostic Tool for Cancer. The 4th Asian-Pacific Organization for Cell Biology Congress: Cell Biology in the Postgenomic Era. Academia Sinica, Taipei. Nov. 3-6, 2002. *3*(invited for platform presentation)

10. Hsueh-Wei Chang. Digital SNP Analysis of Cancers.生物醫學研究與生物資訊整合研討會。長庚生物資訊中心/台灣醫學資訊學會主辦。May 8, 2004. *3*(invited for platform presentation)

11. 沈麗君、顏欽堉、劉巡宇、張學偉*. 利用頭髮末梢的DNA作單一核苷酸多型性分析。犯罪偵查與鑑識科學研討會。生物鑑識類P.223*3*(碩一沈麗君上台報告) 中央警察大學, Nov 19, 2004.

12. 白家維、張方瑜、張學偉*. 各種以血液直接進行PCR方法的比較研究。犯罪偵查與鑑識科學研討會。生物鑑識類P.219*3*(大四白家維上台報告) 中央警察大學, Nov 19, 2004.

13. Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Gau-Tyan Lin, and Hsueh-Wei Chang*. Association study of menopause women osteoporosis and polymorphisms of tumor necrosis factor promoter. Poster (p.117) in International Biotech Conference & Exhibition (IBC&E), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Nov 25-26, 2004. (大四成果)

14. De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Phei-Lang Chang, Ke-Hung Tsui, Hsueh-Wei Chang*. Mitochondrial somatic mutation (T9176G) frequency of adenosine triphosphate 6 in Taiwan. Poster in Thirteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 26-28, 2005.  (大四成果) [photo1]

15. Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Gau-Tyan Lin, Chen-Kang Ken Chang, Hung-Fu Tseng, Hsueh-Wei Chang*. Osteoporosis association study of TNF-α SNP in post-menopausal Taiwanese women. Poster in Thirteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 26-28, 2005. (大四成果) [photo1]

16. 林高田,溫政浩,張振崗,曾泓富,張學偉.  Osteoporosis Association Study of TNF-α SNP in Post-menopausal Taiwanese Women. 中華民國骨科醫學會94年度第48次聯合春季研討會, 高雄榮民總醫院. Apr 23, 2005. (大四成果)

17. Gau-Tyan Lin, Jan-How Wen (溫政浩), Chen-Kang Ken Chang, Hung-Fu Tseng and Hsueh-Wei Chang. 2005-04-10 Osteoporosis association study of TNF-α SNP in postmenopausal Taiwanese women. The 14th Japan-Taiwan Orthopaedic Symposium  Manpei Hotel, Karuizawa, Japan. April 9-10, 2005. (大四成果)

18. Hsueh-Wei Chang*, Ching-Yui Yen, Shyun-Yui Liu, Ying-Chu Lin, Yo-Yu Wang (王有宇), Chung-Ho Chen. SNP evaluation of body fluid and tissue DNA in oral cancer patients. Poster in The Human Genome Organisation's  (HUGO) 10th Human Genome Meeting, Kyoto, Japan. April 18-21 , 2005. (碩一成果) [photo1, 2, 3]

19. 張學偉. Digital SNP analysis of cancers. 中山大學 生物醫學研究所. May 2, 2005. *3*(invited for platform presentation)

20. 張學偉. 膀胱癌病患尿液DNA狀態與SNP-RFLP軟體研發. 長庚生物資訊中心九十三學年度第二十七次會議. 長庚大學第三教學管理大樓5樓-資管系會議室. Jun 22, 2005. *3*(invited for platform presentation)

21. 張學偉. SNP體質與個人化醫學. 行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會九十四年度中醫藥人才培訓 III. 中醫藥基因體研究及其核心技術訓練培訓課程. 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院啟川大樓6樓第一講堂. Oct 15-16, 2005. *3*(invited for platform presentation)

22.  Yu-Huei Cheng, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Phei-Lang Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang. SNP-RFLPing: restriction enzyme mining for SNP ID. Poster #7 in "2005 Bioinformatics in Taiwan", http://www.binfo.ncku.edu.tw/bit2005/. National Cheng Kung University,Tainan. Nov 8-10, 2005.

23. Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Yu-Huei Cheng, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Hsueh-Wei Chang. V-MitoSNP: Visualization of mitochondrial SNP. 8th article in "2005數位教學暨資訊實務研討會(2005EITS)", http://2005eits.mis.stut.edu.tw/index.html. 南台科技大學, Tainan. Nov 25, 2005. (大四成果) [oral presentation]

24. H.W. Chang, K.Y. Tan (陳國毅), Y.W. Chiu, Y.H. Lin (林彥宏), D.L Gu (谷德倫), C.C. Chen, S.H. Chang and C.C. Cheng*. Molecular evolution of Sterna anaethetus in Matsu of Taiwan. http://www.waterbirds2005.org/. Poster for 27th Meeting of the International Waterbird Society. Tainan, Taiwan. Nov 24-27, 2005. (大四/大三成果)

25. Yu-Huei Cheng, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Phei-Lang Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang. SNP資訊平台之建構. B17 in "2005 National Computer Symposium (NCS'05)", http://ncs2005.ksu.edu.tw/.崑山科技大學, Tainan. Dec 15-16, 2005.

26. Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Chao-Hsuan Ke, Chung-Jui Tu, Hsueh-Wei Chang. Feature selection for gene expression data using particle swarm optimization. Poster #148 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (研二成果)

27. Yu-Huei Cheng, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Hsueh-Wei Chang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Li-Yeh Chuang. SNP-RFLPrimer: Development of a RFLP enzyme and primer software for SNP. Poster #149 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (大四成果)

28. Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Chung-Jui Tu, Hsueh-Wei Chang. Classification for gene expression data using support vector machine. Poster #150 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006.

29. Li-Chun Shen (沈麗君), Phei-Lang Chang, Ke-Hung Tsui, De-Leung Gu, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Hung-Wen Huang. Molecular diagnostics for cancer detection in body fluids. Poster #7 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (研二成果)

30. Shaio-Ting Wang (王筱婷), Pin-Yu Liu, Hsueh-Wei Chang. XRCC3 (C18067T) coding region polymorphism in Taiwan. Poster #221 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (大三成果)

31. Kuan-Hong Chen (陳冠宏), Chang-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Yin-Chin Hsu (徐尹芝), Hsueh-Wei Chang. EGFR(L858R) polymorphism frequency in Taiwan. Poster #165 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (研一/大三成果)

32. Yu-Chen Cheng (鄭宇辰), Deng-Chiang Wu, I-Chen Wu, Chang-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Hsueh-Wei Chang. Interleukin 12 A1188C frequency of gastric ulcer patients in Taiwan. Poster #164 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (研一/大三成果)

33. Hsi-Wen Wang (希文), De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Chih-Jen Huang, Hsueh-Wei Chang Evaluating heterozygosity of hypoxia inducible factor-1a gene polymorphism C1172T and G1790A in Taiwan. Poster #163 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006.  (大四/大三成果)

34. Yit-Fang Ng (黃臆帆), Phei-Lang Chang, Ke-Hung Tsui, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Hsueh-Wei Chang. Methanol systhase A2756G polymorphism frequency in Taiwan. Poster #160 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (大四/大三成果)

35. Hsiang-Chi Chen (陳湘棋), Pin-Yu Liu, Hsueh-Wei Chang. Evaluating heterozygosity of XRCC1 gene polymorphism codon Arg194TRP in Taiwan. Poster #159 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (大三成果)

36. Chung-An Cheng (鄭淳安), Kock-Yee Tan, Hsueh-Wei Chang. Polymorphisms/Haplotypes in proliferating cell nuclear antigen gene in Taiwan. Poster #158 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (大三成果)

37. Ting-Wei Chiang (江庭蔚), Gau-Tyan Lin, Chen-Kang Chang, Hung-Fu Tseng, Hsueh-Wei Chang. Association analysis of cSNPs of the avb3 integrin gene in Taiwanese women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Poster #157 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (大三成果)

38. Y.H. Chung (鍾郁涵), H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, Y.C. Chou. Genetic relationship among the subspecies of Oncorhynchus masou determined by growth hormone genes. Poster #162 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (大三成果)

39. H.W. Chang, K.Y. Tan (陳國毅), Y.W. Chiu, Y.H. Lin (林彥宏), D.L. Gu (谷德倫), C.C. Chen, S.H. Chang, C.C. Cheng. Molecular evolution of Sterna anaethetus in Matsu of Taiwan. Poster #166 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (大四/大三成果)

40. Y.H. Lin (林彥宏), K.Y. Tan (陳國毅), C.C. Chen, Y.W. Chiu, C.C. Cheng, S.H. Chang, H.W. Chang. Molecular sexing of Sterna anaethetus in Matsu of Taiwan. Poster #161 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (大四/大三成果)

41. De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Phei-Lang Chang, Ke-Hung Tsui, Hsueh-Wei Chang. Adenosine triphosphate 6 T9176G polymorphism associates with bladder cancer in Taiwan. Poster #151 in Fourteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 18-20, 2006. (大四成果)

42. D.L. Gu (谷德倫), Y.H. Cheng, C.H. Yang, P.L. Chang, L.Y. Chuang, H.W. Chang*. V-MitoSNP: Visualization of mitochondrial SNP.  http://binfo.ym.edu.tw/apbc2006. Poster APBC06-P064 in 4th Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2006). 13-16 Feb, 2006. Taipei, Taiwan. (大四成果)

43. Y.H. Cheng, L.Y. Chuang, P.L. Chang, H.W. Chang, and C.H. Yang*. SNPosition: providing SNP ID by sequences. Poster #174 for Joint 6th Human Genome Organization (HUGO) Pacific Meeting & 7th Asia-Pacific Human Genetics Conference (HUGO-AP 2006); http://hugo-ap2006.sinica.edu.tw/. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Mar 6-10, 2006.

44. D.L. Gu (谷德倫), Y.H. Cheng, C.H. Yang, P.L. Chang, L.Y. Chuang, and H.W. Chang*. V-MitoSNP: Visualization of mitochondrial SNP. Poster #173 for Joint 6th Human Genome Organization (HUGO) Pacific Meeting & 7th Asia-Pacific Human Genetics Conference (HUGO-AP 2006); http://hugo-ap2006.sinica.edu.tw/. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Mar 6-10, 2006. (大四成果)

45. Li-Chun Shen (沈麗君), Hsueh-Wei Chang, Hung-Wen Huang*. Genotyping by PCR-RFLP and PCR-CTPP for MTHFR C677T polymorphism in bladder cancer patients. Poster #305. 第二十一屆生物醫學聯合學術年會, 國防大學國防醫學院, Taiwan. Mar 18-19, 2006. (研二成果)

46. 王有宇,張學偉,黃逸岳,楊家福,陳中和. 定量逆轉錄PCR的口腔癌腫瘤標記轉錄體研究 (oral presenta-tion). 口腔顎面外科學會2006會員大會暨學術研討會, 台南奇美醫院, Mar 11-12, 2006. (研二成果)

47. Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Chung-Jui Tu, and Hsueh-Wei Chang. Feature Selection for Gene Expression Data using GA-PSO. GA-PSO用於基因表現資料的特徵選取. (oral presentation). 316A. 2006 International Conference of Digital Technology and Innovation Management. http://idtim.mis.hfu.edu.tw/ 華梵大學覺照樓國際會議廳. Apr 1, 2006.

48. 張學偉. 基因多型性,生物資訊與個人化醫學 (SNP, Bioinformatics, and Personalized Medicine). 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院啟川大樓6樓第二講堂. 內科部演講. Apr 7, 2006. *3*(invited for platform presentation)

49. Chih-Jen Huang, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Ming-Feng Hou, Chih-Jen Tsai, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Sung-Wei Li, Shi-Long Lian, Sheng-Fung Lin. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α P582S polymorphism in association study of breast cancer. 第十一屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會.  國防醫學院(內湖) May 6-7, 2006.(大四成果)

50. 何長軒,鄭煜輝,楊正宏,張學. SNP flanking location: retrieval flanking sequence from SNP ID. 第九屆工程科技與中西醫應用研討會. 逢甲大學. May 28, 2006. (研一,研二成果).

51. 林明賢,鄭煜輝,張學偉,莊麗月,楊正宏. RFLP-SNPprimer: primers design for RFLP SNP. 第九屆工程科技與中西醫應用研討會. 逢甲大學. May 28, 2006. (研一,研二成果).

52. 何長軒, 溫政浩, 鄭煜輝, 楊正宏, 張學偉. Non-RFLP primer:design the primers for SNP without RFLP. 2006 Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands. (第五屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會) http://www.im.kmit.edu.tw/ITAOI2006/ 國立金門技術學院. June 2, 2006. (研一成果)

53. Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Yu-Huei Cheng, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Cheng-Hong Yang. SNPrimer- design of natural and degenerated primers for SNPs. The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2006. http://www.iaeng.org/IMECS2006/ Conference proceeding published by IAENG (ISBN: 988-98671-3-3). Hong Kong,  June 20-22, 2006. (研一成果) [oral presentation]

54. Yu-Huei Cheng, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Hsueh-Wei Chang, and Cheng-Hong Yang. Primer e-PCR: provide sequences between primers. The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2006. http://www.iaeng.org/IMECS2006/ Conference proceeding published by IAENG (ISBN: 988-98671-3-3). Hong Kong,  June 20-22, 2006. (研一成果) [oral presentation]

55. C.H. Chen, H.W. Chang, and Y.Y. Wang. Gene expression of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 genes in oral cancer. Jun 28~Jul 1, 2006. 84th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). Brisbane, Australia (研二成果).

56. De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Hsueh-Wei Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang, Chao-Hsuan Ke, Cheng-Hong Yang*. Mitochondrial SNP retrieval system for global human populations. Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics Symposium and Workshop. (2006演化基因體與生物資訊研討會與研習營). http://2006egbs.biodiv.tw/ Academia Sinica, Taipei. Aug 15-17, 2006. (研一成果)

57. Kock-Yee Tan (陳國毅), Chien-Chung Cheng, Chao-Chieh Chen, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Yuh-Wen Chiu, Shou-Hua Chang, Hsueh-Wei Chang*. The relation between sex ratio and morphology of Sterna anaethetus in Matsu islands, ROC. Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics Symposium and Workshop. http://2006egbs.biodiv.tw/  Academia Sinica, Taipei. Aug 15-17, 2006. (大四/研一成果)

58. Y. H. Chung (鍾郁涵), H. W. Chang, J. C. Gwo, Y. F. Lin, L. Y. Liao, R. H. Chiang, W. C. Chang, Y. C. Chou*. The complete mitochondrial genomes and the phylogenetic relationship among three subspecies of Oncorhynchus masou. Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics Symposium and Workshop.  http://2006egbs.biodiv.tw/ Academia Sinica, Taipei. Aug 15-17, 2006. (大四成果)

59. Yu-Huei Cheng,  Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Hsueh-Wei Chang Cheng-Hong Yang, Li-Yeh Chuang.   SNP ID retrieve using dynamic programming. Paper#0026. 2006 Symposium and Workshop of Bioinformatics in Taiwan  (BIT2006)- National Chung Hsing University.  http://web.nchu.edu.tw/~hchung/bit2006.html Sep 13-14, 2006. (研一成果)

60. Yu-Huei Cheng, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫) Cheng-Hong Yang,  Hsueh-Wei Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang.   Concourse of primer design. Paper#0027. 2006 Symposium and Workshop of Bioinformatics in Taiwan  (BIT2006)- National Chung Hsing University. http://web.nchu.edu.tw/~hchung/bit2006.html Sep 13-14, 2006. (研二成果)

61.周以正、鍾郁涵張學偉、廖林彥、林永發、郭金泉. 再論台灣鮭魚身世之謎。95年中華民國魚類學會論文發表會與年會. 台大生命科學館四樓, Sep 2, 2006. (大三成果[oral presentation]

62.Kuang-Hung Hsu*, Pin-Yu Liu (劉品妤), Yen-Yi Liu, Yen-Der Hsuuw, Hsueh-Wei Chang. Urinary arsenic metabolism as biomarkers for carcinogenesis- Studies from family cluster to genes. Environmental Pollution and Human Health (EPHH)-2006 Arsenic, Humic Acid and Blackfoot Disease International Conference. Department of Bioenvironmental Engineering. Chung Yuan Christian Univeristy. Taiwan. Oct 20-21, 2006. (研二成果)

63. Yu-Huei Cheng, Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Hsueh-Wei Chang. SNP 鄰近標籤法: 從序列中提供快速及精確的 SNP IDs.  Paper#00056. Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2006 (MIST2006) http://www.apami.org/mic2006/tw/index.htm  台北君悅飯店. Oct 27-29, 2006.

64. Chang-Hsuan Ho,  Cheng-Hong Yang, Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Hsueh-Wei Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang.   基因演算法應用於骨質疏鬆症之不同染色體基因多型性群之關聯性分析. Paper#00065. Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2006 (MIST2006) http://www.apami.org/mic2006/tw/index.htm  台北君悅飯店. Oct 27-29, 2006. (研一成果)

65.楊正宏,張凱琳,陳湘棋,張慧朗,谷德倫,張學偉,莊麗月. 連鎖不平衡的視覺化分析系統. Paper#00063. Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2006 (MIST2006) http://www.apami.org/mic2006/tw/index.htm  台北君悅飯店. Oct 27-29, 2006. (大三/研一成果) [oral presentation]

66. De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Yu-Huei Cheng,  Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang, Phei-Lang Chang, Ke-Hung Tsui, and Hsueh-Wei Chang*. V-MitoSNP: visualized platform for mitochondrial SNPs. Poster for 9th Annual Conference on Computational Genomics (2006). http://www.cpe.vt.edu/genomics, Baltimore, MD, USA. Oct 28-31, 2006.  (研一成果)

67. Chun-An Cheng (鄭淳安), Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), Tsai-Ming Lin, Sin-Daw Lin, and Hsueh-Wei Chang*. Stem cell markers, Oct-4 and hTERT _expression in the progression of differentiation. Poster P-002. 2006高雄大學生物科技新知研討會. http://www.ls.nuk.edu.tw/Biotech/symposium/index.htm. Nov 2-3, 2006.  (大四, 研 二成果)

68. Yen CY, Wang HW (王希文), Hsu YC, Chang HW, Chiang WF, Liaw GA, Liu SY. Association between serum folate and the metabolism in oral cancer patients. Poster FP-373. The 7th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. www.acoms2006.org. Nov 5-9, 2006. Hong Kong. (大四, 研 二成果)

69.陳國毅、鄭淳安、張學偉*. 各種尿液萃取試劑的PCR效率比較研究。2006年鑑識科學研討會暨
中華民國鑑識科學學會年會。http://tafs.cid.cpu.edu.tw/ 生物鑑識類。中央警察大學, Nov 10, 2006. (大四成果) [上台報告]

70. Ming-Hsien Lin, Yu-Huei Cheng, Cheng-San Yang, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang, Cheng-Hong Yang. Primer design using PSO algorithm. Conference proceeding published by IAENG (ISBN: 978-988-98671-4-0), The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2007 (IMECS2007). http://www.iaeng.org/IMECS2007/index.html, Hong Kong, 21-23 March, 2007.Hong Kong. [oral presentation]

71. Yu-Huei Cheng, Cheng-Hong Yang, Hsueh-Wei Chang*, and Li-Yeh Chuang. A novel method providing exact SNP IDs from sequences. Conference proceeding published by IAENG (ISBN: 978-988-98671-4-0), The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2007 (IMECS2007). http://www.iaeng.org/IMECS2007/index.html, Hong Kong, 21-23 March, 2007.Hong Kong. [oral presentation]

72. Cheng-Hao Wen (溫政浩), , Chang-Hsuan Ho, Hsiang-Chi Chen(陳湘棋), Shaio-Ting Wang (王筱婷), Yo-Yu Wang (王有宇), Ching-Yui Yen, Shyun-Yui Liu, Chung-Ho Chen, Cheng-Hong Yang, Hsueh-Wei Chang*. SNP interactions in DNA repair genes XRCC1, XRCC2, XRCC3, and XRCC4 for oral cancer in Taiwan. P029. The Lancet Asia Medical Forum 2007. Asia and cancer management in the 21 century.  http://www.asiamedicalforum.com/index.htm. Apr 21-22, 2007. Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore. (研二/研一/大四成果)

73. Yu-Huei Cheng, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Hsueh-Wei Chang, Cheng-Hong Yang, and Li-Yeh Chuang. 染色體轉位識別資訊平台之建構. 2007資訊系統應用學術研討會.  EC313. 中國科技大學. 20070831. (口頭報告).

74. Yu-Huei Cheng, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Cheng-Hong Yang, and Li-Yeh Chuang. SNP-RFLPingX: an application mining restriction enzyme for SNP in genomes. Poster 01 of 2007 Symposium of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology in Taiwan. 嘉義. 中正大學. Sep. 4-5, 2007.

75. Cheng-Hong Yang,  Chang-Hsuan Ho, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫) and Hsueh-Wei Chang. Haplotype Tag SNP Selection using Hybrid Algorithms. Poster 02 of 2007 Symposium of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology in Taiwan. 嘉義. 中正大學. Sep. 4-5, 2007. (研二成果)

76. De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Kailin chang, Cheng-Hong Yang,  and Hsueh-Wei Chang. Gene-based multiple human populations Linkage Disequilibrium platform. Poster 21 of 2007 Symposium of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology in Taiwan. 嘉義. 中正大學. Sep. 4-5, 2007. (研二成果)

77. 鄭煜輝, 谷德倫, 楊正宏, 張學偉, 莊麗月. 以BLAT為基礎的染色體轉位分析平台, Proceedings of the International Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2007, Hualien, Taiwan, Nov. 16-17, 2007.(研二成果)

78. 施宗牧, 莊麗月, 谷德倫, 張慧朗, 張學偉, 楊正宏. 基因連續性分析應用於基因表現之資料探勘. Proceedings of the International Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2007, Hualien, Taiwan, Nov. 16-17, 2007.(研二成果)

79. 蘇三華、谷德倫、鄭淳安、周大慶、程建中、張學偉* 台灣大冠鷲特有亞種的分子性別鑑定改善方法。犯罪偵查與鑑識科學研討會。生物鑑識類。*3*(大三蘇三華上台報告) 中央警察大學, Nov 23, 2007. (大三/研二成果)

80. 陳婉馨、黃曉雲、蘇三華、王希文、楊景雍、張學偉*. 單一鮭魚卵DNA萃取與物種辨識。犯罪偵查與鑑識科學研討會。生物鑑識類。*3*(大 二陳婉馨上台報告) 中央警察大學, Nov 23, 2007. (大二/研一成果)

81. 黃曉雲、陳婉馨、蘇三華、楊景雍、張學偉*. The PCR efficiency comparison for some DNA extraction methods using single salmon egg. 台灣水產學會96年度學術論文發表會;水產生物技術。中山大學, Dec 15, 2007. (大二/研一成果)

82. Cheng-Hong Yang, Kai-Lin Chang, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Hsueh-Wei Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang. Search Algorithm of tagging SNPs selection by linkage disequilibrium. Poster #179 in Sixteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 23-25, 2008. (大四成果)

83. Yu-Huei Cheng, Cheng-Hong Yang, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang. In silico identification of Primer-Dimer and Hairpin structure. Poster #180 in Sixteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 23-25, 2008. (大四成果)

84. Cheng-Hong Yang, Chang-Hsuan Ho, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang. Haplotype Tagging SNPs Selection Using Particle Swarm Optimization. Poster #185 in Sixteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 23-25, 2008. (大四成果)

85. Tsung-Mu Shih, Li-Yeh Chuang, De-Leung Gu  (谷德倫), Hsueh-Wei Chang, Cheng-Hong Yang. Using Genetic Algorithm Implement Gene Mining for SAGE. Poster #186 in Sixteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 23-25, 2008. (大四成果)

86. 蘇三華、鄭淳安、谷德倫、温政浩、周大慶、程建中、張學偉*. Improved protocols for molecular gender identification of crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela hoya). Poster #191 in Sixteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 23-25, 2008. (大四成果)

87. Ying-Fang Su (蘇盈方), Cheng-Hao Wen (温政浩), Tsai-Ming Lin, Sin-Dan Lin, Hsueh-Wei Chang. Characterization of the differentiation markers for adipocyte- and lipoma-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Poster #190 in Sixteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 23-25, 2008. (大四成果)

88. 谷德倫, Cheng-Hong Yang, Hsueh-Wei Chang, Li-Yeh Chuang. @. Poster #199 in Sixteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Taiwan. Jan 23-25, 2008. (大四成果)

89. 蘇三華、谷德倫、鄭淳安、周大慶、程建中、張學偉*. 台灣特有亞種大冠鷲的分子性別鑑定. 研討會論文. 第七屆海峽兩岸鳥類學術研討會, 國立台灣師範大學理學院國際會議廳, Jan 26-27, 2008. (大三/研二成果)

90. 蘇盈方、谷德倫、鄭淳安、張學偉、程建中*. 白頭翁與烏頭翁的分子演化初探. 研討會論文. 第七屆海峽兩岸鳥類學術研討會, 國立台灣師範大學理學院國際會議廳, Jan 26-27, 2008. (大三/研二成果)

91. Cheng-Hong Yang, Tsung-Mu Shih, De-Leung Gu (谷德倫), Hsueh-Wei Chang and Li-Yeh Chuang. Cross-SAGE: SAGE data mining tool based on set theory. Conference paper ICB_20. The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2008 (IMECS 2008). http://www.iaeng.org/IMECS2008/ Hong Kong, 19-21 March, 2008





*3*Patent Pending

1. Inventors: Ie-Ming Shih*, Hsueh-Wei Chang. Project Title: Genotype Analysis Using Human Hair Shaft (JHU Ref. DM-3955) US Patent Pending


*3*Oncorhynchus masou formosanum (Taiwan salmon) [complete sequencing] (大三)Y.H. Chung(鍾郁涵)

1. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou formosanum (Taiwan salmon) GH2 gene, intron e. GenBank Accession number DQ369795. (2006)

2. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*.  Oncorhynchus masou formosanum (Taiwan salmon) GH2 gene, intron d. GenBank Accession number DQ369794. (2006)

3. H.W. Chang, Y.H. Chung, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*.  Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Taiwan salmon) GH1 gene, intron c. GenBank Accession number DQ492262. (2006)

4. H.W. Chang, Y.H. Chung, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Taiwan salmon) GH1 gene, intron b. GenBank Accession number DQ492264.  (2006)

5. H.W. Chang, Y.H. Chung, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Taiwan salmon) cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ519077. (2006)

6. H.W. Chang, Y.H. Chung, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*.  Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Taiwan salmon) ATPase 6 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ523833. (2006)

7. H.W. Chang, Y.H. Chung, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Taiwan salmon) ND4L gene. GenBank Accession number DQ523834. (2006)

8. H.W. Chang, Y.H. Chung, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*.  Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Taiwan salmon) ND5 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ523835. (2006)

9. H.W. Chang, Y.H. Chung, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*  Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Taiwan salmon) 16 S ribosomal RNA.  GenBank Accession number DQ530347. (2006)

10. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*.  Oncorhynchus masou formosanum (Taiwan salmon) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ537479. (2006)

11. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Taiwan salmon) 12 S ribosomal RNA. GenBank Accession number  DQ533706. (2006)

12. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Taiwan salmon) cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ533707. (2006)

13. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Taiwan salmon) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ533705. (2006)

14. H.W. Chang, Y.H. Chung, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Taiwan salmon) mitochondrion, complete genome. GenBank Accession number DQ858456. (2006)


*3*Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) [complete sequencing] (大三)-Y.H. Chung (鍾郁涵)

1. H.W. Chang, Y.H. Chung, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, R.Y. Lee and Y.C. Chou*.  Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) GH1 gene, intron c. GenBank Accession number DQ492263. (2006)

2. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) ATPase 6 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ642050. (2006)

3. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) ATPase 8 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ642051.  (2006)

4. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) 12S rRNA gene. GenBank Accession number DQ642052.  (2006)

5. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) 16S rRNA gene. GenBank Accession number DQ642053.  (2006)

6. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ642054.  (2006)

7. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ642055.  (2006)

8. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene.  gene. GenBank Accession number DQ642056.  (2006)

9. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ643987.  (2006)

10. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ643988.  (2006)

11. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L  gene. GenBank Accession number DQ643989.  (2006)

12. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ643990.  (2006)

13. H.W. Chang, Y.H. Chung, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae (Amago salmon) mitochondrion, complete genome. GenBank Accession number DQ864464. (2006)

*3*Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masu salmon) [complete sequencing] (大三)-Y.H. Chung (鍾郁涵)

1. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) 12S rRNA gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656541.

2. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656542.

3. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) CO1 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656543.

4. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656544.

5. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) 16S rRNA gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656545.

6. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) ND4 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656546.

7. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) ND5 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656547.

8. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) ATPase subunit 6 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656548.

9. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) ATPase subunit 8 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656549.

10. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) CO3 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656550.

11. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656551.

12. Y.H. Chung, H.W. Chang, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L gene. GenBank Accession number DQ656552.

13. H.W. Chang, Y.H. Chung, J.C. Gwo, Y.F. Lin, L.Y. Liao, W.C. Chang and Y.C. Chou*. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Masou salmon) mitochondrion, complete genome. GenBank Accession number DQ864465. (2006)

*3*Cervus unicolor swinhoei (Formosan sambar) (大四成果)-H.W. Wang (希文) [complete sequencing]

1. H.W. Chang, H.W. Wang, C.L. Tsai, C.Y. Lin, and Y.C. Chou*. Taiwan sambar mitochondrion, complete genome. GenBank Accession number EF035448. (2006)

ps: This record was removed at the submitter's request because it is redundant with another sequence submission from that submitter. DQ837699, DQ837700, DQ837701, DQ837702, DQ837703, DQ869275, DQ869276, DQ869277, DQ869278. (2006)

*3*Muntiacus reevesi micrurus (Formosan muntjac). barking deer (山羌) [complete sequencing]
1. H.W. Wang, H.W. Chang, C.L. Tsai, and Y.C. Chou*. Muntiacus reevesi micrurus mitochondrion, complete genome. GenBank Accession number EF035447. (2006)

*3*Cervus nippon taiouanus (Formosan sika deer). (梅花鹿) [complete sequencing]
1. H.W. Chang, H.W. Wang, C.L. Tsai, C.Y. Lin, and Y.C. Chou*. Taiwan sambar mitochondrion, complete genome. GenBank Accession number EF058308. (2006)

*3*Hynobius arisanensis (Arisan salamander). (阿里山山椒魚)  [complete sequencing]

1. H.W. Chang, C.L. Tsai, Y.I. Lee, C.C. Hsieh, S.Y. Fang, C.F. Lin, S.F. Chen and Y.C. Chou*. Hynobius arisanensis mitochondrion, complete genome. GenBank Accession number EF462213. (2007)

*3*Spilornis cheela hoya (大三/大四/研一成果)-K.Y. Tan (陳國毅), C.H. Wen (溫政浩), D.L. Gu (谷德倫)

1. C.C. Cheng, Y.C. Chou, T.C. Chou, K.Y. Tan, H.W. Chang*. Spilornis cheela hoya ATPase8 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ537480. (2006)

2. Y.C. Chou, C.C. Cheng, T.C. Chou, K.Y. Tan, H.W. Chang*. Spilornis cheela hoya ND3 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ537481. (2006)

3. C.C. Cheng, T.C. Chou, Y.C. Chou,  C.H. Wen, H.W. Chang*. Spilornis cheela hoya ND4L gene. GenBank Accession number DQ537482. (2006)

4. C.C. Cheng, Y.C. Chou, T.C. Chou, K.Y. Tan, H.W. Chang*. Spilornis cheela hoya CO2 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ631827. (2006)

5. C.C. Cheng, Y.C. Chou, T.C. Chou, K.Y. Tan, H.W. Chang*. Spilornis cheela hoya ND4 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ631828. (2006)

6. K.Y. Tan, C.C. Cheng, Y.C. Chou, T.C. Chou, H.W. Chang*. Spilornis cheela hoya ND2 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ660379. (2006)

7. C.H. Wen, C.C. Cheng, Y.C. Chou, T.C. Chou, H.W. Chang*. Spilornis cheela hoya ND1 gene. GenBank Accession number DQ660380. (2006)

8. C.C. Cheng, K.Y. Tan, H.W. Wang,  D. L. Gu,  Y.C. Chou, T.C. Chou, H.W. Chang*. Spilornis cheela hoya chromo-helicase-DNA binding protein (CHD-W) gene, partial cds,, GenBank Accession number DQ885237

9. C.C. Cheng, K.Y. Tan, H.W. Wang,  D. L. Gu,  Y.C. Chou, T.C. Chou, H.W. Chang*. Spilornis cheela hoya chromo-helicase-DNA binding protein (CHD-Z) gene, partial cds, GenBank Accession number DQ885238

*3*Pycnonotus sinensis and Pycnonotus taivanus (大二/大四/研一成果)-K.Y. Tan (陳國毅), C.A. Cheng (鄭淳安), Y.F. Su (蘇盈方), San-Hua Su (蘇三華)

1. Y.C. Chou, C.C. Cheng, C.T. Yao, C.L. Tsai, C. A. Cheng, K.Y. Tan, Y.F. Su, S.H. Su, H.W. Chang*. Pycnonotus sinensis cytb gene. GenBank Accession number EF582411. (2007)

2. C.C. Cheng, Y.C. Chou, K.Y. Tan, C.A. Cheng, C.L. Tsai, C.T. Yao, H.W. Chang*. Pycnonotus sinensis CHD-W gene. GenBank Accession number EF582412. (2007)

3. C.C. Cheng, Y.C. Chou, K.Y. Tan, C.A. Cheng, C.T. Yao, C.L. Tsai, H.W. Chang*. Pycnonotus sinensis CHD-Z gene. GenBank Accession number EF582413. (2007)

4. Chien-Chung Cheng, Yii-Cheng Chou, Ying-Fang Su, Kock-Yee Tan, Chun-An Cheng, Chi-Li Tsai, Cheng-Te Yao, Hsueh-Wei Chang*. Pycnonotus taivanus CHD-Z (CHD-Z) gene, partial cds. GenBank Accession number EU204971. (2008)

5. Y.C. Chou, C.C. Cheng, C.T. Yao, C.L. Tsai, Y.F. Su, S.H. Su, C.A. Cheng, H.W. Chang*. Pycnonotus taivanus cytochrome b (cytb) gene, partial cds; mitochondrial. GenBank Accession number EU204972. (2008)

6. C.C. Cheng, Y.C. Chou, S.H. Su, K.Y. Tan, C.A. Cheng, C.L. Tsai, C.T. Yao, H.W. Chang*. Pycnonotus taivanus CHD-W (CHD-W) gene, partial cds. GenBank Accession number EU204973. (2008)
*3*Copsychus malabaricus 白腰鵲鴝 Y.C. Hung (洪瑜謙), S.S. Lee (李思碩)

1. Y.C. Hung, S.S. Lee, Y.C. Chou, Y.H. Jen, B.S. Shieh, H.W. Chang*. Copsychus malabaricus CHD-W Accession number FJ641876

2. Y.C. Hung, S.S. Lee, Y.C. Chou, Y.H. Jen, B.S. Shieh, H.W. Chang*. Copsychus malabaricus CHD-Z Accession number FJ641875


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